As a country, America uses too much water, because we are too lazy to follow simple water conservation techniques. However, an even bigger issue is the water that is wasted through plumbing issues, such as leaks and burst pipes. In addition to that, the average household uses approximately:
- 35% is used for showers and baths
- 30% is used for flushing the toilet
- 20% is used for laundry
- 10% is used for drinking and cooking
- 5% is used for cleaning With environmental agencies spreading warnings about impending global water shortages, it is time that we start to conserve water wherever we can.
We don’t need to stop using water for important purposes, such as drinking, but if every person can be mindful of wastage, it will reduce the amount of water that we lose for no good reason, thereby preserving our planet for longer for future generations.
How Can We Save Water?
Ridgeway Mechanical is not only a top Atlanta plumbing company, but we’re one of the few companies who really cares about the future of our planet. We have compiled a list of our top ways to preserve water to help you save water and cut down on your utility bills. water
1. Don’t let the water run while you do the dishes. Instead, fill one basin with soapy water to wash, and the other with clean rinsing water.
2. Modern Energy Star rated dishwashers use less water than hand-washing (and it saves you the effort!). Also, Newer models clean more thoroughly, so you can cut back on rinsing. When looking to buy a new dishwasher, check out the Consortium for Energy Efficiency website for comparisons. Some of their suggestions can help you save up to 20 gallons per load.
3. Reduce the number of glasses you have to wash by designating a single glass for each person’s daily consumption. Alternatively, refill water bottles.
4. Instead of letting the water run while you scrape pans clean, soak pots and pans to loosen tough dirt.
5. Instead of using the garbage disposal unit for everything, rather compost food waste to save many liters of water. compost food waste
6. Use a bowl of water to rinse your fruit and vegetables, rather than under the running faucet.
7. For food safety and water conservation, defrost your food in the refrigerator rather than under a running faucet.
8. Instead of running the faucet every time you want water to drink, rather keep a pitcher in the fridge.
9. Use as little water as possible to cook food, and don’t throw away leftover water from cooking. Rather store it to make a nutritious broth for a healthy soup. Also, choose the appropriate size pots for the food you are cooking.
10. When dropping an ice-cube on the floor, don’t waste them by throwing them in the sink. Instead, put them into a house plant pot. Do the same with the water used to rinse fruit and veggies.
11. Modern washing machines match the water levels to your load size. If you have an older machine, you have to do this manually.
12. Wash your dark clothes in cold water to save energy and water. It will also help prevent fading.
13. Call Anta Plumbing to re-route your greywater (from dishes and showers) to your garden instead of to the sewer line. low water
14. Replace your showerhead with a model that carries the WaterSense® label and shorten your shower by only one or two minutes to save 150 gallons a month. You can save up to 1,000 gallons by timing your shower to 5 minutes.
15. Check for hidden toilet leaks at least once a year by putting food coloring in the tank. If the color seeps into the bowl even when you don’t flush, there is a leak.
16. Don’t wait for the water to run hot before putting the plug in the bathtub. Put it in first and then adjust the temperature accordingly.
17. Upgrade your old gallon-guzzler toilet with a new WaterSense® approved model or a dual-flush toilet with two options: a half-flush for liquid and a full flush for solid waste.
18. Save up to 4 gallons of water by turning off the faucet while you brush your teeth.
19. Install aerators in all of your faucets, and replace all the faucets in your home with high-efficiency fixtures.
20. Check your showerheads and faucets for leaks on a regular basis. Get in touch with Ridgeway Mechanical for more water- and money-saving tips!