Most households use a constant amount of water month in and month out. If you notice a spike in your water bill, it is highly possible that there is water leaking in your home. Failing to address this early will result in you wasting money on unused water and could result in further expenses due to damage from the leaks. One such expense would be flooding (when the leak becomes bigger) and another would be dealing with issues such as mold that grows in standing water.
A Stitch in Time Saves Nine
The challenge with water leaking is that it is hard to detect initially. Always keep a close eye on the water bill, as that is often the first indication of water leaks in a home. While initially, the water leakage may seem insignificant, each drop of water wasted, costs you money. Additionally, it is important to conserve water, as our world is fast approaching a water crisis.
Most water leaks are slow and therefore cannot be heard or seen. If you suspect that water is leaking, there are some simple strategies that you can implement to detect the leak and deal with it. You can try some of these strategies before calling in an Atlanta leak detection expert to deal with the leak. It may even be possible for you to repair the leak yourself and save some money.
If you find the leak yourself, you will save yourself labor costs as the plumber won’t have to spend time looking for the leak himself.
DIY Leak Detection Strategies
Detecting leaks is easy enough if you know what you are doing. You can apply the following strategies to locate the leak and then decide whether to fix it yourself or to get hold of Ridgeway Mechanical to fix it for you. Leak detection in your shower head is simple enough as it will be visible to the naked eye.
Leaks in garden faucets are also easy to spot as you should see water dripping. If the faucet is dripping, it is probably either the washer or the valve. Both of these are simple enough to repair yourself without having to call a plumber.
Ridgeway Mechanical offers specialist leak detection services for a variety of residential and commercial applications. When your water bill has increased significantly, but you don’t notice any obvious leaks, the problem may well be with your underground supply lines. There could be a small leak that continues to get bigger with time and eventually cause a major damage. Save yourself the trouble and call Ridgeway Mechanical for a plumbing inspection.
Apart from potable water leaks, there could also be leaks in your sewer system. This should be dealt with as soon as they are suspected, because when sewer water enters the potable water supply, it can contaminate your drinking water, causing all types of health concerns and even death. For that reason, it is recommended that you always hire a professional plumber to deal with leaks or burst pipes.
First, we will do a manual inspection, which involves looking for wet spots on your lawn or floors, and be listening for hissing sounds under the ground. We then use modern plumbing technology to locate the site of the leak. Our CCTV equipment allows us to get into the pipes and see the exact problem on a handheld monitor. Using an infrared leak detection device, we can then pinpoint the exact site of the leak. Get in touch with us now to discuss your leak detection needs.
Plumbing Leaks